Personal E-Transfer

Hughson is now able to accept your personal e-mail transfers. Direct them to and let us know in the accompanying e-mail how to designate your gift. Remember to send a separate e-mail with a security question answer. You may be charged a small fee from your bank for this option.

Canada Helps

If you would like to make an online donation, please visit where you can designate your gift to one of several different funds. Plese note that donations made through Canada Helps are subject to a service charge of 3.5 - 4% taken from the donation before Hughson receives it. If you would like your full donation to go to Hughson we'd encourage you to use the e-transfer option listed above.

Direct Deposit

You may have your offering automatically withdrawn from your bank account on a regular basis. Please fill out this form, and mail it to our church office along with a voided cheque to set up this method of giving.  If you do not have cheques, you will need to get the transit number and account number from your bank and include it with the form.

Sunday Offering - Giving by cheque or cash

Giving is an act of worship, and each Sunday we would usually take time to worship in the giving of our tithes and offering during our Sunday service.  During these days of COVID-19 restrictions your envelopes may be dropped at the office (383 Hughson St. N) during office hours, or use the mail slot in the office door at other times.  You may ask the office for a set of Offering Envelopes that have your personal stewardship number on them.  This helps us in preparing your Charitable Receipt each year - contact Jenna