At Hughson Street Baptist Church we have identified five core values that define who we are and what is important to us. The five core values are outlined below.

Celebrate - We celebrate and worship God for his Nature, Character and Glorious Works. God made the world and everything in it, he is Holy and without sin, he sent his Son Jesus to free us from the power of sin and death, he provides an unexplainable joy when we know him and we are privileged to enjoy him here on earth and for eternity in heaven

Grow - We believe that every Christian is called to be a growing Christian through a personal relationship with God. This growth takes place through spiritual disciplines and by faith asking his Spirit to transform our lives. These actions enable us to grow up in the grace and knowledge of God and his Son Jesus Christ

Serve - We believe that faithful and wholehearted service should characterize God’s people. We are called to serve one another in love through sacrificially serving others above ourselves. We believe that everything belongs to God and we are then called to serve humbly with the gifts he has given us including our time, resources and money. We believe God will provide the energy and means to do this if we remain dependent on his grace and mercy

Share - We believe we are called to share God’s love with those who haven’t yet embraced Christ. We are to be his witness to all people of what God has done through his Son Jesus. We are called to be the salt and light in a dark world where we constantly discern through prayer where God’s Spirit is opening a door for his message so that we may share the gospel message and our hope in Jesus in our neighbourhood, city and world.

Care - We believe that God is gracious and compassionate and we are called to be a compassionate and caring people. We are to express genuine concern for each other and are called to administer true justice for the hurting by prayerfully considering and acting upon issues that affect the human quality of life. Examples of this could include social, economic, environmental and energy issues.